Nic Puntis Parlimentary Spokesperson for the Chippenham Constituency Wiltshire & Town Councillor for Chippenham Cepen Park and Derriads Wiltshire Council - Portfolio Holder for Flooding Voluntary Engagement Officer (Activists) SpokespersonAssociation OfficersUnitary CouncillorsUnitary Council CandidatesTown Councillors
Allison Bucknell Wiltshire Councillor for Lyneham Wiltshire Council - Portfolio Holder for Area Boards Unitary CouncillorsUnitary Council Candidates
Ashley O'Neill Wiltshire Councillor for Calne Rural Wiltshire Council - Cabinet Member for Governance, IT, Broadband, Digital, and Staffing Unitary CouncillorsUnitary Council Candidates
Mary Champion Wiltshire and Town Councillor for Royal Wootton Bassett North Unitary CouncillorsTown Councillors
Peter Hutton Wiltshire Councillor for Chippenham Cepen Park & Hunters Moon Wiltshire Council - Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding Unitary Councillors
Steve Bucknell Wiltshire and Town Councillor for Royal Wootton Bassett East Unitary CouncillorsTown Councillors