Wiltshire residents facing a huge tax bill and threat to family farms from Red Rachel's budget, warn Conservatives
For immediate release, Wednesday 30th October
Local Conservatives have warned that today's budget consists of massive spending plans funded by the raiding the wage packets of Wiltshire's residents.
Michael Owen, Conservative Candidate for Cepen Park and Hunters Moon and former Financial Planning Director said: "In 2010 Labour left office saying there was no money left.
"The Government is funding its massive spending plans by withdrawing the Winter Fuel Allowance from millions of pensioners, by increasing tax on those with savings during their lifetime and also on death.
"Business will pay more National Insurance on wages and as Labour said before the General Election, this is a tax on jobs.”
Tom McInerney, Conservative Candidate for Royal Wootton Bassett South & West said:
“For many in our community taxes are now at their highest level. Labour said they would not increase taxes on working people so this is a straight forward breach of their manifesto.
"It is inevitable that many people will suffer because of this budget which is why sound financial management to deliver excellence and value for money at local level is so important.
"The best way to respond to this budget is to ensure that Wiltshire Council remains in Conservative control in May's elections.
"Particularly damaging to a rural county like Wiltshire is the changes to inheritance tax could eradicate family farms in a just a couple of generations."